Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spicy Baconator.

I had it. And as a service to you all, I've decided to give you some very helpful advice:

Stay Away.

If the original wasn't bad enough for you, Wendy's decided to add what I hope are jalapeno's, and what I hope is some sort of spicy mozzarella cheese. The cheese, mind you, looks like a thin white slab of puke after a night of bad mexican food. It doesn't taste much better.

At least the original baconator, as disgusting as it was, had some sort of redeemable flavour to it. It's 'spicy' counterpart doesn't. It also gave me some stinky gas. Nobody would pay for stinky gas. I paid for stinky gas. I paid $8.92 for stinky gas.

Heed my warning, friend's. The Spicy Baconator is an evil force you ought not to reckon with.

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