Wednesday, October 18, 2006

This just made me laugh. These dorks are gonna look back on pictures like this 10 years from now and curse themselves for taking whatever drugs they took that made them think they looked cool. Seriously...

who in their right minds
thinks this looks
Honestly, If bands like Panic! At The Ugmo want to be taken seriously, they need to stop trying to look like Twisted freaking Sister. It's not the 80's. You're not cool. Stop trying.


Isis said...

I think straight boys with makeup is actually hot, but it depends on how it's worn. For example, men with dark subtle eyeliner = hot. Men with bright pink lipstick = not hot. Very small demographic.

Patrick said...

Tasteful discresion is what it's all about. Too bad they neither have taste, nor discresion. Keep the makeup to a minimum people!