A Weight Off My Shoulders
Well the time has come. After 4 long and enjoyable years, I say goodbye to something very special to me. It's kept me warm in the winter. It has been my makeshift pillow during class. It has been a source of entertainment when I had nothing else. Now it is gone. I have cut my hair. Sure, this doesn't seem like a big deal to the average feller. I, however, had a special bond with my mop. My hair hasn't been this short since the days of Creation '03. Most won't recognize me. "Who's that?" they'll say. "Certainly not Patrick, he's got that awesome long hair!". But alas, it is me. Like a sheep being brutally sheared of his coat, I stand here shivering in the absense of my warm hair...and right before winter! What the crap was I thinking? Ugh, I make some stupid mistakes sometimes. Ah, who cares! Hair grows back, I'll be normal again in no time. I really don't mind the haircut at all, I just needed something to blog about and this seemed like a pretty legit topic for a blog. Now I wouldn't want to leave all my (2) blog readers hanging, so for you lucky sons of guns, I will post some of my most attractive pictures.
Here I am loser-ishly trying to get into frame while assuming a "thinking" position. I pretty much needed a thinking picture because thats what people with short hair do. Unfortunately, also present in this picture is my rediculous farmers tan. That's what I get for being half brown...Skin whiter than...well..something that's blindingly white. Alright I'm not at my best creatively today, back off. On to picture number 2.
This is a simulation of what my face looked like waking up this morning and looking in the mirror. Granted, this is the face I usually make when looking at myself in the mirror every morning. However this time it is a look of complete shock after forgetting I cut my hair the previous day...not because making funny faces in the mirror every morning amuses me...which it does. Onward!
Here is my second attempt at simulating a thinking face. Yes, it looks like I'm about to sneeze, but believe it or not there are some very complex mathematical questions floating around that big ol' brain of mine just waiting to be solved. They just might be waiting a while. Well there you have it ladies and gents. The new me. Now when you see me, you won't have to say "Oh my gosh you cut your hair!", even though you probably will. I'm ok with that, as long as you don't put it into the form of a question. PLEASE do not raise the pitch of your voice at the end of the sentence, because that would imply that your asking me if I cut my hair when CLEARLY I did! Thank you for reading my blog.
1 comment:
Flashbacks...of when you were... 13... Gaa! Looks good, let's get something pierced!
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