I could only find it in french, but it's still just as funny. eheheh.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
In Good Hands
"If we died with him,
we will also live with him;
If we endure,
we will also reign with him.
If we disown him,
he will also disown us;
If we are faithless,
he will remain faithful
for he cannot disown himself"
2 Timothy 2:11-13
To be faithful is sometimes hard these days. There are so many things that get in the way of our faith in God that it's rediculous. Things like your future are hard to trust to anyone, and then you learn that it's entirely up to God. This should be a comforting realization, but more times than not it lights a little fire under your bum and sparks a panic. "How do I know what God wants me to do?", "Am I praying hard enough?", "What if he wants me to go to York?! I don't want to go to York!" are all phrases that started to spin out of control in my head, and to be completely honest...they're still there. However, It's pretty comforting to know that God does not abandon us even when we don't have complete faith. Sometimes that closeness you felt with God while worshipping in church isn't as present as you'd like it to be and it feels like God has abandoned you. It is important to remember though, that as long as He lives within us, He will never leave us. God has faith even in the times that we don't. Pretty good to know you're in good hands, eh?
we will also live with him;
If we endure,
we will also reign with him.
If we disown him,
he will also disown us;
If we are faithless,
he will remain faithful
for he cannot disown himself"
2 Timothy 2:11-13
To be faithful is sometimes hard these days. There are so many things that get in the way of our faith in God that it's rediculous. Things like your future are hard to trust to anyone, and then you learn that it's entirely up to God. This should be a comforting realization, but more times than not it lights a little fire under your bum and sparks a panic. "How do I know what God wants me to do?", "Am I praying hard enough?", "What if he wants me to go to York?! I don't want to go to York!" are all phrases that started to spin out of control in my head, and to be completely honest...they're still there. However, It's pretty comforting to know that God does not abandon us even when we don't have complete faith. Sometimes that closeness you felt with God while worshipping in church isn't as present as you'd like it to be and it feels like God has abandoned you. It is important to remember though, that as long as He lives within us, He will never leave us. God has faith even in the times that we don't. Pretty good to know you're in good hands, eh?
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
This just made me laugh. These dorks are gonna look back on pictures like this 10 years from now and curse themselves for taking whatever drugs they took that made them think they looked cool. Seriously...

who in their right minds
thinks this looks

Honestly, If bands like Panic! At The Ugmo want to be taken seriously, they need to stop trying to look like Twisted freaking Sister. It's not the 80's. You're not cool. Stop trying.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
A Weight Off My Shoulders
Well the time has come. After 4 long and enjoyable years, I say goodbye to something very special to me. It's kept me warm in the winter. It has been my makeshift pillow during class. It has been a source of entertainment when I had nothing else. Now it is gone. I have cut my hair. Sure, this doesn't seem like a big deal to the average feller. I, however, had a special bond with my mop. My hair hasn't been this short since the days of Creation '03. Most won't recognize me. "Who's that?" they'll say. "Certainly not Patrick, he's got that awesome long hair!". But alas, it is me. Like a sheep being brutally sheared of his coat, I stand here shivering in the absense of my warm hair...and right before winter! What the crap was I thinking? Ugh, I make some stupid mistakes sometimes. Ah, who cares! Hair grows back, I'll be normal again in no time. I really don't mind the haircut at all, I just needed something to blog about and this seemed like a pretty legit topic for a blog. Now I wouldn't want to leave all my (2) blog readers hanging, so for you lucky sons of guns, I will post some of my most attractive pictures.
Here I am loser-ishly trying to get into frame while assuming a "thinking" position. I pretty much needed a thinking picture because thats what people with short hair do. Unfortunately, also present in this picture is my rediculous farmers tan. That's what I get for being half brown...Skin whiter than...well..something that's blindingly white. Alright I'm not at my best creatively today, back off. On to picture number 2.
This is a simulation of what my face looked like waking up this morning and looking in the mirror. Granted, this is the face I usually make when looking at myself in the mirror every morning. However this time it is a look of complete shock after forgetting I cut my hair the previous day...not because making funny faces in the mirror every morning amuses me...which it does. Onward!
Here is my second attempt at simulating a thinking face. Yes, it looks like I'm about to sneeze, but believe it or not there are some very complex mathematical questions floating around that big ol' brain of mine just waiting to be solved. They just might be waiting a while. Well there you have it ladies and gents. The new me. Now when you see me, you won't have to say "Oh my gosh you cut your hair!", even though you probably will. I'm ok with that, as long as you don't put it into the form of a question. PLEASE do not raise the pitch of your voice at the end of the sentence, because that would imply that your asking me if I cut my hair when CLEARLY I did! Thank you for reading my blog.

Monday, October 09, 2006
A Rant in the Key of C
If You've ever walked into Steve's music store on a saturday afternoon, then you'll know quite well the repititious sound of snobby rich teens and 40-somethings hammering away at the Warwicks and ESP's for hours. Everyone within a 5 mile radius of the store that has to suffer from the constant wailing knows that these losers aren't interested in buying these guitars. They have but one sole purpose in life; to make themselves feel like they're worth something because they can play a scale five times faster than you can. Well guess what, you still suck! If you really want to know how well a particular guitar sounds, play a freaking chord! Fiddle with a song you know...Don't play me a bunch of random scales that make you sound better than you are, 'cause you're not fooling anyone! You'll leave the store and never see any of those people again in your life. You'll gain a temporary high that makes you falsely believe you have a real talent that'll take you places some day. Congratulations meatwad.
Now it may come across to some people that this rant is fueled by nothing but jealousy. You could not be more wrong. It annoys me because people who may be interested in buying/renting a guitar get shoved to the back of the line and have to wait for the overstaffed employees to finish with the kids playing 9 minute solos and the hippies talking about how music used to be good back in the day. Get your priorities straight employees! And go home pretentious wannabe guitar freaks! Go back into your dark little hole of a basement where you don't piss me off.
Now it may come across to some people that this rant is fueled by nothing but jealousy. You could not be more wrong. It annoys me because people who may be interested in buying/renting a guitar get shoved to the back of the line and have to wait for the overstaffed employees to finish with the kids playing 9 minute solos and the hippies talking about how music used to be good back in the day. Get your priorities straight employees! And go home pretentious wannabe guitar freaks! Go back into your dark little hole of a basement where you don't piss me off.
Friday, October 06, 2006
And now I present you with a title that has absolutely nothing to do with the original post!
I am a man at the end of his rope. I have been screwed out of the only two real jobs I've had, and now remain jobless. Nothing is worse than being in your final year of highschool, with university fast approaching, without a job or hope of one in sight. Relying on God to provide is something much easier said than done. Does God not want me to go to University? Am I simply screwing my self over and looking for the excuse that "it's all in God's plan?" Am I not working hard enough on my own to get a job? God only helps those who help themselves, right? Do I need to relax a little bit more and just breathe?! Yes. That is exactly what I need. A breath of fresh air. Perhaps the problem here is that I am blinded by my own worry. I need to chill...ya know? Take a chill pill. Do they even have those? If so are they legal? Why am I asking so many questions to which no one will answer? I guess that's just how my mind works. I think I know what I need. Some pumpkin pie. Holy crap it's thanksgiving weekend! Two days left til thanksgiving and I haven't even had a practice pie. How am I going to be able to ingest all those pumpkin pies on Thanksgiving when I haven't had any practice?! I don't even have money for practice pie! Oh, this is pathetic. I've been so worried about my stupid little problems that I've completely forgotten about Thanksgiving...To be thankful! I'm lucky to have everything I do. I should be glad I have a pumpkin pie in the first place to eat! What's this business about practice pie?! Hm?? Crazy talk, that's what that is. Pure and simple crazy talk. I would be lucky to have a quarter what I do now. Sweet family, amazing friends, food to eat every day...Not to mention Resident Evil 4! Yeah that'll be taking up most of my spare time for the next month or so. Usually Animal Crossing would be in it's place but my memory card got stepped on and now my virtual world no longer exists. Well now that I've completely strayed off my original point, I think I'll come to a close...maybe I'll change the title of the post too. Done and done. That's it for today's edition of rambling. I'll be back after I enjoy my thanksgiving turkey and pie! |
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Gone, Going Gone...
And so it begins. The passing of an age...The dawn of a new era. The hardest freakin' year of my life...and only 8 months of it to go. I don't have a job, yet I'm expected to make $10,000 by the end of the year. I suck at most of my courses, yet I'm expected to achieve a minimum 80% average. And to top it all off, I'm completely out of shape! The subtle niceties I once enjoyed are now gone...Flushed down a metaphorical toilet, without so much as a goodbye, or well wish. Gone are the daily fast food expeditions. Gone is the wasting of time by watching reruns of clone high and the simpsons. Gone are the crappy movies that are in theatres these days, and gone are the frequent hang-outs with my favouritest peoples.I oh so enjoyed those(they're still around...but far less frequent). Not to mention all those cd's and dvd's I want to buy. Yeah, they're gone too. Speaking of gone, my iPod just died. Ain't that just a kick in the pants? I guess this'll just be a year of learning. I knew it would be tough, but I never thought I'd need to learn these things to such an extent. I've already learned quite a valuable lesson. A lesson I didn't expect to learn. You really never know what you've got 'til it's gone. You might think you do, but you really don't. This works on so many levels. Appreciate what you've got...Seriously. Even the little things, especially the little things. They're so much more amazing when you do. When you know something won't last forever, you tend to appreciate it more. I've kept that in mind lately, and nothing is more true. Hark! The toll of the school bell! I'm out for now.
Goodbye, and Godbless.
p.s. Gone Going by Black Eyed Peas feat. Jack Johnson is a song that never gets old... Just thought I'd let y'all know.
Goodbye, and Godbless.
p.s. Gone Going by Black Eyed Peas feat. Jack Johnson is a song that never gets old... Just thought I'd let y'all know.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Season Premiere
Throughout the last couple of years I have been a seasonal blogger. I would blog random stories or feelings as and when I pleased. Granted, that wasn't very often. I've never really had a "home" where I could blog. I was a blog bum, squatting in any and every internet application that I used that would allow me to blog(for example msn spaces, myspace). This bum has now found a home. For those who are interested(and those who just have nothing better to do), I will be blogging here from now on. Those who have read my previous blogs know what to expect. The odd spontaneously created story, useless rant and stupid observation will make appearances here, along with some scattered reflections on my faith and consequently my life. Feel free to set this page as your homepage. So sit back, crank up some Pachelbel* and enjoy the ride!
*note: blogs are best viewed when listening to classical music or while watching A&E Biographies of people nobody really cares about.
*note: blogs are best viewed when listening to classical music or while watching A&E Biographies of people nobody really cares about.
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