Wednesday, January 24, 2007

10:25 p.m.

Each second that ticks by brings me closer to what lies ahed. What it is I don't know. When it will happen I also don't know. But I can't wait. Be it summer, university, or a fulltime job... I can't wait. University would be a good way to go, but I couldn't really care less. I can't say the same for others. Society seems to push the thought that if you don't get into a university or college right after highschool, you basically have no future. Thousands of youths are pressured into finding a career to specialize in for the rest of their lives at 17 or 18 years of age. It astounds me how unrealistic this is, yet nobody seems to notice. People will spend thousands of dollars on degrees they will never use, all for the sake of going to University straight out of highschool. Why do we need to find jobs that pay six figures, when less than half that amount would do fine? How many of us actually sit down and assess our lives before we make a decision? What are your priorities? If making a lot of money is one of them, I'm glad I'm not you. The more we have, the more we are burdened. My family makes about enough to get by, and I consider myself spoiled. I have things I don't need. I buy things I won't want in a few months time. I eat like a pig. Speaking of pig, I could go for some... but back to the point. I am attached to my things more than I realize. I couldn't imagine how I would act if I had more. Yet that seems to be the measure of our success according to our society. If we really took time and looked at ourselves, we might find some interesting things. I know I have.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Audacity of Superheroes.

Spiderman is just chilling in his humble home one day, eating pizza when he notices The Green Goblin whiz by his window. Without so much as a second thought, Spiderman breaks through his 7th story window and chases the villian in a hot pursuit. On the way, he gets caught in one of Batman's previously used zip lines and plummets towards the surface of the earth. The Incredible Hulk is sitting outside a Starbucks enjoying a Mocha Frappucino when he notices this. He bounds to Spiderman's rescue, crushing 2 cars in the process. With Spiderman nestled safely in his arms, The Hulk turns to his right and is startled to notice both the Silver Surfer and Johnny Blaze heading straight for him. Travelling at mach speeds, they chase each other around town breaking windows, destroying powerlines and setting newspaper stands on fire. Meanwhile, Superman is underground trying to stop a train from running over a suicidal jumper. He positions himself in front of the train and begins to brace himself as it nears. The train is suddenly jolted to a stop due to Superman's brute strength. The train is derailed and almost damaged beyond repair, but the suicidal jumper is alright. At the end of the line, Wolverine and Storm are having a heated dispute with Sabretooth and Avalanche. They all fight valiantly in an effort to prove some sort of point that both sides have probably already forgotten. In the midst of all this they destroy an entire subway station and injure a puppy. But it's all for the benefit of the city. Right?


Superheroes these days...They think they're invisible but don't give a second thought to their surroundings. Did it ever occur to any of these superheroes that the earth is not a playground? These are fully destructible environments man! This isn't some Perfect Dark video game. When you throw a grenade at a wall, it actually blows up! I've never once heard Spiderman offer to clean up any of the nasty webbing he leaves strewn about the city. The web he swings around on doesn't just disappear you know! Window cleaners are outraged at how many windows they need to replace because of Spiderman's stupid webs. Sure, Superman may have saved the world many-a-time with his laser eyes...But drywalling companies are fed up of replacing these walls everyday! Would it kill these so-called 'superheroes' to exercise a little bit of caution now and again? Frig Man. Who do they think pays for all of this? Taxpayers! Taxpayer's money is being poured into the restoration of the city at the fault of our modern day superheroes.

This is a message to all you inconsiderate superheroes out there: Try being a real hero someday! Clean up your mess!!!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Things I Don't Quite Hate

In an appropriate contrast to my last post, here is a list of things I like.

1. Snow on Christmas: Because it means global warming isn't slowly killing us yet.
2. Dry Socks: Because there is nothing worse than wet socks
3. Wendy's Spicy Chicken: 75% of the time, it tastes good everytime.
4. Dr. Phil If you don't like this man, it's only because your jealous of his pimped out moustache. Come on, admit it.
5. Cheese Whiz: Condiment? Filling? whatever it is...a food fit for gods.
6. Musicals: For reasons I can no longer remember
7. iPods: They screw me over and I continue to buy their products...I'm a slave to a company named after a fruit
8. Old People Dancing: For some reason it makes me laugh harder than anything else does.
9. Animal Crossings: When life gets tough...retreat into the virtual world of animal crossings!
10. Potatoes: They're basically a superfood. What else can you eat for every concievable meal of the day?
11. Those Beaver Mascots for Bell: Who knew beavers could be so witty?
12. Hawaii: I've never been there, but I'm sure I would love it.
13. That extra skin on your elbows: It's what gets me through law class every day
14. Soap: Think about it...without it we would all be pretty lonely people.
15. Running out of things to put on your list: Because then you start making up ridiculous crap for the sake of having at least 15 things on it.

Things I Hate

A list of things that annoy me to bring in the new year.

1. Christmas without snow: Explanation not needed
2. Facebook: It becomes more important than reality to some people. Get a grip. Go outside and live a little!
3. Crocs, Ugz and people who think they actually look good.: You're not kidding anyone!
4. MP3 Phones: Mainly the people who walk down the halls blasting their music from mp3 phones. It's bad enough that you listen to garbage music, don't make everyone else suffer. Buy some freaking headphones!
5. Borat: He's just not funny. Why does everyone think he's funny? I for one hope he get execute.
6. Emo Jokes: It's just not funny anymore. Emo jokes are dead. live with it.
7. Bush Jokes: See: Emo Jokes
8. Classic Rock: More specifically people who refuse to believe that any music created after they were born is any good.
9. Chuck Norris: I don't care who he is or what logic-defying stunts he can perform. I just. don't. care.
10. 133t Speak: numbers are not a suitable replacement for vowels. And ommiting vowels from words doesn't make you cool either, so stop.
11. Aardvarks: Seriously...They have no place in for Arthur. He has a place.
12. Coldplay: For reasons I can no longer remember
13. People who argue on internet forums: It's just plain dumb. Be a man and step away from the keyboard!
14. Long Msn Names: I don't want your life story. I don't want to know if your showering, or if your eating dinner, or when your going to a club next. In fact I don't think anybody cares. Do you even care?
15. People who list things they hate in their blogs
16. Lame attempts at irony

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A New Beginning.

Welcome to my first post of the new year! I'm glad to be able to share it with you. Let me start off by saying that this post will not be focused on anything in particular, I just feel like writing. If your not interested in my random thoughts induced by my lack of sleep then I'd quit reading now.
So I googled the word "tired" to see how many ways I could tell you how tired I am. Apparently the word fagged is an appropriate synonym. So from now on, I am no longer tired. I am fagged. I've been pretty fagged all day and continue to be fagged now, so I apologize for my incoherency.
Well, It's the new year and I'm actually pretty excited. I have a feeling that this year is going to be a good year. if not only in comparison to last year... A lot can happen in a year, and that's what I'm hoping for. With any luck, by the end of 2007 I'll have secured a job I am somewhat happy with, I will have been accepted into a university, I will have worked at a summer camp, and I will have seen and been pleased with the Simpsons movie and the Transformers movie. I'm also getting a clearer image of the type of person God wants me to be and hopefully by the end of the year I will have come a little closer to becoming that person. Hopefully I won't get too sucked into the world of Wii and I will retain my sanity and connection with the outside world. Consequently, I've had a headache for about 6 days straight. I've either been in my basement, at work or in a movie theatre for pretty much the whole vacation. It puzzles me because I'd much rather be outdoors, yet I spend most of my life inside. The only solution to this problem is to go backpacking. Nothing would be more fun than just taking off to a new place with nothing but the clothes on my back and some survival tools...not that I would know how to use them, but just in case. One day man...One day.
As for last year, I wasn't too happy with it. But rather than dwell on it, I choose to embrace the future and just be prepared for anything that might come my way. I'm hoping a shower will come my way soon because I am feeling and probably smelling pretty rank right now. I haven't showered since yesterday and I'm running out of deoderant, but you didn't need to know that. In fact, you don't need to know any of this. But your here, and have already read this far, so why stop now? Continue to enlighten yourself with my wisdom. Continue!!
I'm sure this new year will bring forth some more crap as far as music is concerned. I've been quite sad lately at the direction in which music is going. I'm not trying to say that I don't like any current music, because that would be a lie bigger than Mr. Tom Delonge's ego. Yeah, burn? Anyways, Music just isn't what it used to be. Any punk or ska band that have been around for more than 5 years have either morphed into some "life-changing" pseudo rock group, exchanged their energy for eyeliner or turned into Gwen Stephani. Ok, so I'm specifically referring to blink-182, No Doubt and Green Day. In my opinion, they all need to go back to the 90's and fix whatever broke along the way. I would have liked to have posted the song Spiderwebs up as a New Years present to the millions of people who read my blog, but it didn't enjoy some mewithoutYou instead!